Jubilate Agno
You probably know Christopher Smart‘s schizophrenic Jubilate Agno from its most famous segment, “To His Cat Jeoffry.” I recently came across the whole thing online. (“Jeoffry” is part of Fragment B4.)
Pretty amazing stuff, head over heels more honest than Gertrude Stein. But what to do with it? This is why I bring it to the Society’s attention. It seems that we ought to be able to respond to this in some way.
ELP, a study
I amused myself Sunday afternoon by setting up the camera on the tripod and taking shots in various poses around the labyrinth, mostly so I could begin thinking about our bodies in situ, as it were.
It occurred to me that I have tools at my disposal that previous artists did not.
This is a slapdash affair, picking and choosing among the more than twice as many poses. (God bless Photoshop’s layers and visibility!)
Anyway, discuss.
Lichtenbergianesque Quote
Every journalist has a novel in him, which is an excellent place for it.
Russel Lynes
Please do not discuss amongst yourselves, as this might be seen as activity on this blog, which has fallen out of vogue as of late.
L.09.6: The Lichtenbergian Vortex: 10,000 VISIONs
The main structure is a shallow wooden bowl, 15-20’ across, with a spiral groove cut into it.
At the bottom of the bowl is a 1’ hole.
Beneath the hole is a flame pit.
Participants will encounter members of the Society, dressed—how?—who will explain the purpose of the Vortex and offer each participant a small wooden ball.
We will have 10,000 wooden balls, 2†diameter: cedar, oak, cypress, etc.
Each participant will write on the ball his most cherished but unrealized creative goal, then release it into the Vortex.
The slope of the Vortex will be such that a ball’s progress is slow but inexorable. (I am ignoring for the moment the practical consideration of the grit and dust from the Playa.)
When a ball reaches the center of the Vortex, it falls into the abyss and is consumed by flame. Indeed, the flame pit is close enough to the bowl that the Vortex itself will be consumed by a slow burn during the course of the Festival.
In accordance with Article 1, Section 4, of the Charter, I have taken on a project for the Society.
I think probably most of you are familiar with CORRAL, the local rehabilative riding organization for special needs children. You may also be aware that Brown and Marie Powell run CORRAL basically on their own, and further give back to the community even more with their annual Christmas pageant.
I’ve attended for two years now, and one cannot help but notice that the sound quality of the recording they use for the pageant is substandard. Marc and I thought last year that it would be an easy project for us to take on, and today I volunteered my services to rebuild their narration and music so that it sounds professional.
It may be a one-person job, but if I need help, who would like to assist?
We also need to find them some better speakers, but we can do that next.
L.09.6: Burning Man
As we begin to think about meeting to consider planning our First Annual Retreat, I thought we might as well look far into the future, when we finally get our act together and hit Burning Man.
First, some context:
and check out the stuff at the official site, like here.
Since it is forbidden to be merely an observer at Burning Man, what will the Lichtenbergians contribute to the Playa? As you watch the videos, you’ll realize that the assignment is wide open: art installation, group identity, art vehicle, performance, public service, anything.
There are no limits.
Final Arrangements
Sounds grim when I put it that way, eh? I’ve sent an email out to the folks that indicated they were going to participate in the First Annual Lichtenbergian Retreat. If you plan on going and didn’t get the email, either comment here or sent me a note post-haste. If you got the email, please respond (in poor Lichtenbergian form) immediately. I need your feedback to close this loop.
Lichtenbergianism InAction: How Procrastination Invented the Internet
P.S. Why is WordPress so agonizingly s l online slots o w compared to blogspot?
Diversity in Art
I hope it’s okay to post without it being an assignment.
And I further hope that it’s okay to plug my old roommates blog, although that’s not the reason for posting this.
He has a recent entry that has simply fascinated me; I don’t know why. I sort of ranted off in a long comment. I thought both his entry & my comment might lead to an interesting discussion over here- especially given the (relative) homogeneity of our group. Â
And, yes, apparently, homogeneity is pretty much my word of the week.